The Kresge Foundation: New LOVE Building hub for social justice opens with fanfare in Detroit
The LOVE Building is located at the intersection of W. Grand River and 14th Street in Detroit. (Photo by Steve Hall courtesy of Hall+Merrick+McCaugherty)
With four days of celebration this week, the LOVE Building, a new hub for social justice and creative community, is officially opening its doors in Detroit’ s Core City neighborhood.
Led by longtime Kresge grantee Allied Media Projects (AMP), the renovated $14 million, five-story building is now a home for AMP and five other like-minded organizations: Detroit Community Technology Project, Detroit Disability Power, Detroit Justice Center, Detroit Narrative Agency and People in Education.
Detroit Justice Center, Detroit Disability Power and Detroit Narrative Agency have all been recipients of general operating support from the foundation’s Detroit Program, as has AMP, which has also received project support in past years.
The renovation of the building and related activities were also supported by a $900,000 cross-team grant from Kresge’s Arts & Culture and Detroit programs.
Besides housing the six organizations, the LOVE Building, at the intersection of W. Grand River and 14th Street, offers a versatile 1,300-square-foot community space for film screenings, art exhibits and other events; an 850-square-foot lounge for small gatherings and two medium-sized rooms equipped for various meeting needs, with special attention to ADA accessibility. A five-story tower structure that has been added to the front of the original building – a new neighborhood landmark – includes two elevators, maintaining ADA accessibility should one have mechanical issues.